This is a series of tips for beginners who want to play poker:

Choose your starting hands carefully.
Resist the temptation to play every hand and focus on quality over quantity.
Premium cards like pocket aces are ideal for raising, particularly in late positions.
Play in Ranges, Not Hands? What do I mean by range?

This is a Key Concept for Beginners
In poker, a range refers to a collection of hands that you or your opponent could potentially hold in a given situation. Instead of focusing on a single hand like Q♣10♦, you consider a range of hands that could include various combinations, such as K10s, Q10s, J10s, and so on.
Thinking in terms of ranges is essential for assessing your hand relative to your opponent’s possible holdings. Considering the full spectrum of hands your opponent might have, you can make more informed decisions at the poker table.
This concept of ranges allows you to anticipate your opponent’s actions and adjust your strategy accordingly. Whether you’re betting, calling, or folding, understanding poker ranges empowers you to make strategic choices based on the range of possible hands your opponent could hold.

Don’t be afraid to not play a hand; be honest with yourself and wait for a strong start.